The rising trend of flexitarianism. What is a flexitarian diet? Ideas for a ‘flexi’ diet.
Flexitarian diet What does this involve?
What exactly is the flexitarian diet about? In short: it is a nutritional model based on the principles of a vegetarian diet, but which allows for the occasional consumption of meat. The aim of the diet is therefore not to give up meat consumption, but to keep it to a minimum.
Flexitarianism literally means ‘flexible vegetarianism’. It is usually assumed that this diet allows the consumption of animal products, but in smaller quantities The key is to eat plenty of vegetables, fruit, pulses, vegetable fats (such as rapeseed oil or olive oil) and nuts,
It is worth bearing in mind that many flexitarians limit meat consumption to a significant degree. Instead of eating it every week, they opt for meat only on festive occasions or otherwise exceptional situations. They therefore consume meat dishes at lunch or dinner, but give it up in their daily menu. This solution is also convenient because in many restaurants the meat-free menu still leaves a lot to be desired. Sometimes there are no vegetarian options at all.
This flexible diet can also be seen as an easy and practical way to go vegetarian if the immediate switch is difficult for you. The menu is also a little more varied.
Hummus The flexitarian diet’s best friend
There’s a reason why hummus is the friend of every flexi vegetarian! It is an extremely balanced, nutritious and delicious add-on to the diet. Hummus, thanks to chickpeas among others, is a rich source of carbohydrates, dietary fibre, B vitamins and minerals such as iron, zinc, potassium, calcium, magnesium, selenium…. a real treasure trove of micronutrients! And let’s not forget the versatility – there are many ways to serve hummus! If you want to learn more about it, please visit our article dedicated exclusively to hummus.
Flexitarianism. To follow a flexi diet or not?
When considering health issues, we must remember that the flexi diet is a relatively young nutritional model. The amount of conducted research still remains limited and its long-term effects are inevitably unexplored. Nevertheless, the vegetarian diet has gained a favourable response from scientists. The principle of limiting meat consumption according to the latest research also seems to make sense. It is safe to say that flexi is a rational model and a diet that holds up well in research findings.
A flexitarian diet can have benefits for our health and wellbeing due to a reduction in meat consumption, an increase in dietary fibre and vitamins and minerals, as well as other antioxidant ingredients. Antioxidants are, after all, the elixirs of youth!
What is very important for many people, the flexitarian diet is marked by great flexibility and ease of implementation. Compared to more restrictive vegan and vegetarian diets, flexitarians are also far less likely to experience nutritional deficiencies. It can also be your path to going vegetarian.
It’s worth a try, isn’t it? Prepare a menu or be inspired by our recipes! Remember that the most important thing is to eat in a nutritionally complete and balanced way. Good Luck!